Clockwork Is Greenlit After A Few Short Weeks

Clockwork had only just launched itself onto Steam Greenlight and after only a little more than two weeks, it has been Greenlit, meaning it will soon see its release come true on PC and Mac later this year.

Vishal Gumber, CEO of Gamesoft, said, "It's been so gratifying to see the Steam community get behind our Greenlight campaign to the degree they did. The hard work of the team at Gamesoft has been recognized with thousands of votes, hundreds of supportive comments - culminating in a very fast approval by Steam and the community.

"As a thank-you to the fans, we're offering a big discount to celebrate Clockwork's launch week. We're looking forward to announcing the release date very soon and finally making Clockwork available to fans worldwide. It's nearly time!"

To celebrate the successful Greenlight campaign and reward fans who supported Clockwork, developer Gamesoft has announced a special launch-week price promotion.

Clockwork will launch at just US$19.99 - with an additional 20% discount for all players who purchase the game during the first week.

Be sure to keep an eye on the game as it comes closer to its release, because we could all use a time bending platformer in our lives.