Square Enix are really delivering lots of information on Final Fantasy XV this week, with today giving players information on a new town, new transport options and even a new game. But first let's start off with the city on the water, Venice, I mean Altissia.

Moving on from there, players already know that they get to drive the giant black car, the Regalia, but it also comes packed with an aerial option, allowing you to fly around.

The final piece here is that Square Enix have revealed A King’s Tale: Final Fantasy XV. Taking place as a fairy tale told by King Regis to a young Noctis, the story is set 30 years before the main game and features retro-style inspired graphics centered around a fast-paced combat system with influences from modern gaming. The in-depth battle system blends intense attacks, devastating magic, mighty summons and unique companion attacks into a singular gaming experience through three diverse locations based on the world of Final Fantasy XV.

But if you still wanted more, they have also released the second episode of the Final Fantasy XV anime, Dogged Runner.