Operation Dust Line Is Here For Rainbow Six Siege

Ubisoft has announced that today, an all new update for Rainbow Six Siege is available, which delivers players a new map, two all new operators and a host of gameplay improvements.

Operation Dust Line brings two Navy Seal operators into the mix by assisting Team Rainbow with the all new location, Border, an all new map that is a mix of modern and classic buildings, making it one of the most open and destructable maps yet.

The team have also been hard at work to improve the gameplay, ensuring that fans are getting the best gaming experience they can. Some of the improvements are:

  • Loadout Customization between rounds: Players can now customize their Operator’s loadout between each round, by simply selecting an operator and going to their loadout to select weapon, attachments, charms and headgear. This will allow for additional tactical choices between rounds.
  • Operator reworks: I.Q.’s unique gadget now has enhanced visual feedback, Montagne’s shield now adds side protection & Tachanka’s LMG is now easier to place and use. Additional Operator, weapons and secondary gadget tweaks have been made.
  • Introduction of gadget placement cancellation controls: By turning this feature ON in the Options menu, players can now cancel the placement of a gadget at any time. This feature will not only be more comfortable for the players (can be more reactive), but will also allow for another layer of gameplay and tactics (by playing mind games with their enemies).
  • Winner Team Showcase: After the final round, the winning team’s operators will be displayed to both the winning and losing teams, and an MVP for the match will be crowned for the ultimate bragging rights.
For players who want to get hands on with the two new operators, Valkyrie and Blackbeard, if you own the season pass you can start to use them today, if however you are not a season pass owner, you can unlock them on May 18, using in game currency.