Blizzard have announced the latest expansion for Hearthstone, Whispers of the Old Gods and when it comes, players will discover over 130 new cards.

Players will also needs to learn how to handle the power of the legendary C’Thun, N’Zoth, Yogg-Saron, and Y’Shaarj. Whispers of the Old Gods takes everything familiar in Hearthstone and turns it . . . inside out. Under the sway of the four Old Gods of Azeroth, familiar friends have been corrupted (and have sprouted a few extra eyeballs in the process), new monstrosities have appeared, and unrest spreads throughout the tavern with every turn.

As the Old Gods and their crazed followers join you in battle, there’s no telling how much havoc you can wreak with their unique abilities and game-changing powers. By the same token, you’ll want to pay great attention to each play you make—for it could well be your last in the newest Hearthstone expansion.

Starting March 15, and up until the expansion is released, those brave enough to call forth this ancient and incredible power in battle can pre-purchase Whispers of the Old Gods card packs in a special 50-pack bundle, for a one-time price, starting from $64.99 AUD (one purchase per account). Whoever does so and lives to tell about it will receive a unique themed card back.

Coming to PC; Windows, iOS, and Android tablets; and mobile phones, Whispers of The Old Gods card packs will be winnable in Hearthstone’s Arena mode, and purchasable with in-game gold or real money at the same prices as Hearthstone’s other card packs.