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Get Ready For Miitomo

Nintendo held their Investor Briefing during the week and while a lot of the details were important, perhaps none was more important than Miitomo, their first mobile developed title.

Anyone who wants to get the title will be able to register their interest on February 17th. In order for people to register, they will need to create an all new Nintendo Account, which can be done by linking their Nintendo Network ID, used on Wii U and 3DS, email address and down the line Facebook and more. Those who do, will be informed when the app becomes available for download in March. The app will only be available for iOS and Android devices, so if you use Windows Phone, you are out of luck for the time being.

But what is Miitomo, well here is the description from Nintendo themsevles:

Miitomo is a social experience that uses Nintendo’s Mii characters to engage friends in a lighthearted, playful and welcoming social setting. Mii characters first debuted on the Wii console and to-date, more than 200 million Mii characters have been created around the world. Using Mii characters users will be able to interact with their friends in an entirely new way to spark fun and interesting conversations by answering questions such as “what song has been stuck in your head lately?”, “do you believe in aliens?”, or even “if you saw a nose hair sticking out of your friend’s nose, what would you do?” By answering questions in Miitomo users will be able to discover surprising information and secrets about their friends, as well as share their experiences with others easily by taking and sharing photos featuring their Mii using the Miifoto feature.
Those who register their interest and then obtain the app will receive a special bonus, though what that is, has not be disclosed.