Rock Band 4 Post-Launch Details Announced

Harmonix have been hard at work since the release of Rock Band 4, with weekly song releases, but they have also been hard at work on new features and bug fixes. Now they have a date for the first patch as well as some of what is going on. Here is a little be below, but be sure to hit up the official blog for all the details.

Hey gang!
First off, THANK YOU for your interest in Rock Band 4 – getting the game to market took every ounce of effort that we could muster and we really appreciate all the support and feedback we’ve received from the community. Bringing the franchise to the new consoles meant a complete re-architecture of our engine and, along with the work it took to support last gen’s DLC and instruments, this was an enormous effort for us. However, our plan has always been to provide continual updates post launch, and from the moment we launched on October 6th, we have had our team hard at work developing new features. We’ve been quiet about the details, UNTIL NOW! I am wicked excited to unveil the feature set for the 12/8 update
Click here to read all about what is coming in the update.