PlayStation 4 Price Drop Not Happening Anytime Soon In Australia

Overnight PlayStation in the USA announced a price drop for its PlayStation 4 line of consoles, including all the special edition machines, sadly it looks like we won't have that here anytime soon.

After reaching out to PlayStation Australia, this was the response I was provided with.

"With regard to the drop in other territories, we have decided based upon several matters including the condition of the individual market. With regards to the Japanese and American markets, software title line ups from 3rd party publishers and developers has been enhanced tremendously since last year, also contributing to the positive momentum of the PS4 hardware sales."

"Also, highly anticipated software titles will continue to be released heading in to the holiday season. In hopes to deliver the PS4 experience to those old PlayStation fans who do not own PS4 as well as to those new to PlayStation, and in conjunction with this positive momentum, we have decided to set a new price point in Japan and US, further accelerating the install base of the PS4 in these regions." 

So while we are not getting one yet, you can never say never.