The Technomancer On The Run In Its Gamescom Trailer

In this video we watch our hero Zachariah attempts to communicate with Earth, as he is chased by Mars’ illusive secret police.

They have been tasked with hunting down the rogue Technomancer across the post-apocalyptic red planet. A relic of Mars’ ancient human history, your journey with Zachariah starts long after human colonization of Mars, with its artefacts sprawled about the Martian landscape – including hordes of humans physically scarred by cataclysms of the past.

Mars’ world holds many secrets, and The Technomancer’s quests yield many results depending on how you choose to solve them. Learn more about the world by interacting with the companions who join your party, and level them up as you build friendships with them. An RPG, The Technomancer features 3 exciting combat styles and many ways to improve both melee combat and your Technomancer lightning abilities, intertwined with the melee combat in the game.