Skyforge Reveals the Mechanics of Stats and Abilities

Obsidian and Allods have released the stats for Skyforge and by stats I mean player stats that can help shape your in game destiny.

In Skyforge, we’ve tried to give players all the tools necessary to create a character that would best suit their play style and battle tactics. From a straight-forward gameplay perspective, you don't need to dive too deep into these mechanics, but if you have a mind to experiment with builds and different combinations of stats, Skyforge offers you a wide field of possibilities!

Each character in Skyforge has a set of specific stats that affect the amount of damage they deal, their maximum health, and that allow you to set up talents and skills according to your liking. Today, we’re going to explain the stats system and how to pick the best combination of talents and skills for your desired play style.

To read the full break down on what the stats are, be sure to head over to the blog post detailing it.