Far Cry 4 - Escape from Durgesh - Review

Far Cry 4 - Escape from Durgesh - Review

It is really rare for any DLC to do anything more than just add more content to the game, I mean it is right in the name, but Escape from Durgesh is not like the rest.

Escape from Durgesh is perhaps one of the best pieces of download content I have had the pleasure to play in recent memory, because it does not change anything about what Far Cry 4 is but it adds so much more to it. Anyone who knows Far Cry 4 knows that you have almost unlimited freedom to do what you want, explore, hunt, anything you want to do, you can take your time and do it. If you see something along the way to somewhere, you can head off and check it out, there is nothing wrong with that. Well Escape from Durgesh is not like that at all.

In fact it was a little jarring for me when I first started playing it, Pagan Min gives you the explanation of what is going on, but of course he is Pagan Min and while it seems he is doing a good thing, he is doing what he wants first, your benefits come second. When you start, you have nothing, except your knife and jumpsuit and parachute, which is it. Your first action should be to acquire a weapon, but unlike the main game, you can’t just buy guns, in fact there are no stores to be found here at all. So you must find everything in the wilds, or take them from outposts and soldiers, something of which there is an abundance of.

Your main goal is to escape, thus the name, but you get told by Pagan Min that it won’t be so easy, in fact he highly advises that you get some additional firepower in order to do that. Which equates to you doing missions and securing outposts and while you don’t have to do them all, or any of them, it makes the final push to the finish a lot easier. In the almost 3 dozen plays I have done, I have not once made it to the end, which goes to show that there is some serious challenge here, oh and of course, let us not forget the timer. You only have 30 minutes to get out or your stuck, but you can earn additional time by completing missions and capturing outposts, doing karma events and alike.

All in all, Far Cry 4 Escape from Durgesh is a real change from what Far Cry has traditionally been, it offers up the same gameplay, but with a much more of a focus. While some players may not like the constant threat of time, for other players who seek more of a challenge will find that here in spades.

The Score


Review code provided by Ubisoft

The Pros

+Adds great new focus and challenge to the game

+Fun to play still, along with returning to the world of Far Cry 4

The Cons

-Timer may turn some players away from it

-The map is quite a bit smaller than the main game