Full weekend of free access to PlayStation Plus for PlayStation 4 owners

PlayStation Australia has announced that all PlayStation 4 owners will get a free weekend of PlayStation Plus access this coming weekend.

PlayStation Plus will be free from September 26th 5pm til September 29th 5pm and in order to access this amazing offer, you simply need to have a PS4. With this you can take part in Strike missions in Destiny or any other online title. You will also be able to download two free PlayStation 4 titles that you can play for the duration of the weekend and should you still have a PS3 or Vita, you can get free games there as well.

After the free period ends, anyone who wishes to play online or continue playing their free games can subscribe for as little as $9.95 a month and should you do that, you get two new games each month to keep for as a long as your subscription runs. For all the details, jump over to the PlayStation Blog