Pure Pool  - Review

Pure Pool is a strange game, in this world where things have to happen fast with the most amazing graphics and details, so for any game to come out where the point is to slow down and relax, it’s a nice change of pace.

When you start up Pure Pool, you will notice straight away that the game of pool is front and centre here, there are no menus to navigate in order to play the game. It is such a simple touch that make the game feel open; something that it succeeds at very well. When you want to play something other than just hitting the ball around, you just bring up the menu and jump into whichever mode you desire.

The game offers up a range of local options as well as online ones, simply select quick game will result in you selecting your game type, I myself stuck with regular 8-ball and then the game will find someone online who matches you in terms of level and you are in. The integration between online and offline play is really simple, there are no load screens to speak of, in fact an no point are you taken out of the atmosphere the game is providing.  When playing online, there is an issue with it that some people might not like, a small one in all honesty, but it does break the flow. When it is the turn of the opposing player, you are left with a delay between when the game tells you that it the other players turn and something happens. Most of the time, this delay was only a few seconds, sometimes it lasted over 15 seconds, which is long.

However, that issue is nothing that break the game, just makes it a little less fluid. In fact playing the game could not be any simpler than it is. You use the left stick to rotate the pool cue around the ball, as you do a white line will show you where the white ball is likely to go and at the same time, should that line intersect with another ball, a second yellow line will appear that shows the direction that ball will take. Be warned though, while they appear in most game modes, when playing against pro players or pro games they will be turned off. Even when they are enabled, they will not show you the full path, just the first few feet of the balls path. When you are ready to make your shot, you simply pull back on the right stick and push forward, it is very easy to do. The amount of pull back and force forward will determine how hard you hit the ball, which can result in you pulling off that perfect shot, or just missing it.

The game itself is set in, what I describe as an upmarket pool hall, the sounds of glasses clinking, people talking and general bar noise can be heard throughout the game and the music that is played has a jazz feel to it, which again helps keep that atmosphere. This is a place to relax and enjoy a game or 7 and to not worry about other things. As the music changes, the title of the song is played in the upper left corner of the screen, which also hosts the players who are joining the club. People were always constantly coming online, which meant each one of them was a potential opponent. But for those people who do not play online, or wish to have a more local experience, you can play against the computer or if you have a friend around, you can pass the controller back and forth and play that way.

If however you are in the mood for something a little more challenging, the game comes with a series of challenges that will test a range of skills. The one that I sunk the most time in, was the Speed Pot challenge, a simple game that provides you with 15 balls that you have to pocket in the fastest time possible, though if you pocket the white ball you incur a time penalty so you can’t just go smashing them around the table. Each of the 4 challenge modes come with skill levels that provide a good challenge, so if you feel you are getting to good at the amateur then you can progress up for more of a challenge.

Pure Pool is a great game that offers up exactly what its name says, pure pool goodness. Each of the modes, either online or offline present players with a variety of options that are bound to please everyone and with tight controls and a great atmosphere the game provides a great space to relax in after a day at work.

The Score


Review code provided by Ripstone Games

The Pros

+You love a good game of pool

+Very relaxing, perfect to help wash away the shooters

The Cons

-The campaign is short and isn't helped by lack of character development

-Combat is not that exciting and feels repetitive after a while