Who Pulled the Trigger? The Answer Revealed in ORIGINAL SIN #6!

This July, the lingering question will be answered in ORIGINAL SIN #6 – who shot the Watcher? From the very beginning, fans have waited, wondered and speculated who was responsible for Uatu’s untimely death. Now, Jason Aaron and Mike Deodato peel back the curtain on the person pulling the strings as Original Sin races toward it’s heart-stopping conclusion.

Though the Watcher’s killer stands revealed, the knowledge Uatu kept cannot be put back in its bottle. The heroes’ most closely guarded secrets are now weapons in the hands of a terrifying enemy.

“It’s time for the shooter to come clean and to stand revealed—though this revelation will only lead to greater conflict for Marvel’s heroes,” says Marvel SVP Executive Editor Tom Brevoort. “It’s difficult to imagine a more dangerous opponent than the person who stands before them now.”

How can the heroes of the Marvel Universe cope with a threat that knows their each and every weakness? And who has been manipulating the actions of hero and villain alike? Prepare yourselves as Original Sin kicks into high gear and builds to a game-changing finale that will have everyone talking! No fan can afford to miss the twists and turns of ORIGINAL SIN #6 when it explodes into comic shops this July!

Everybody has one. This is Marvel’s ORIGINAL SIN!