Iron Man 3 - Review

So in response to Maxi Geek's Iron Man 3 (IR3) giveaway I figured that it would be appropriate to review the newest addition to the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Iron Man 3, currently out on BluRay and DVD

Now I have seen IR3 in the theatre and at home on BluRay (bought it day one....woohoo) and neither time has it disappointed. Now I know some die hard comic fans will disagree with my assessment but hey it is my review suck it up. 

Having loved the first two movies and The Avengers. This movie was concern for me as a fan seeing how well previous Iron Man films and The Avengers had done. And this film was presented by a new director ,Shane Black. Too many variables for failure but that being said I just loved it.

But let's face it the director does not make the whole movie.  You do need the actors the team up and give you a heck of s performance and this cast gels so well all the time.

Robert Downey Jr plays Tony Stark so perfectly. I hope he agrees to always play the role. It is like Hugh Jackman playing Wolverine you can not see anyone else in the suit now. I love how he plays Tony as this talking freight train that doesn't stop. You half expect him to start snapping his fingers before each scene and pronounce 'Look at me I am talking now'. 

Gwyneth Paltrow again plays Pepper Potts with charm and grace peppered with the right amount of smart Alec wit. And with RDJ the two have great chemistry they need to make more movies together. Come on directors and writers out there get on it. And this round we got to watch her really kick butt. No spoilers just wow We need a Paltrow action movie. 

Don Cheadle has always impressed me as an actor and he again made me smile. He gave a wonderful performance in this movie. And in my opinion had some of the best one-liners in the whole film. How can you not like this guy. And with each performance he plays less sidekick and more a partner to Iron Man.

Jon Favreau has directed two incredible Iron Man movies and played Tony's bodyguard and friend Happy Hogan. In IR2 Happy was a little more fleshed out but this time I liked that Jon stepped out of the director's chair and even gave Happy more dimension.

And let us not forget one of our two new villains, Aldrich Killian, played by Guy Pearce. He was the perfect mix of intelligence, creepy and smarmy to be the perfect villain. Would love to see the character return somehow. Well it is a comic movie so can never tell when a bad guy is going to pop his head up again. And as a personal request Guy play more villains.

And, of course, The Mandarin played by Sir Ben Kingsley. Ok without giving out spoilers I know some people will disagree seeing as how the presentation of one of the main bad guys turned out completely opposite of the comic but as much as we comic fans want an 100% true to story comic movie we are never going to get it. So my response is open your mind to the new version. And I think the solution offered here with the Mandarin was great solution. And with Sir Ben Kingsley playing the role it was pulled off flawlessly.

In recap great sequel, fun and entertaining movie, great cast and another chapter in a growing franchise. Go buy (or try and win) a copy today.

So where is this franchise going next? No idea but it will be fun to see how it all goes.