So earlier today, EA presented The Download, showcasing there games coming out for the next generation of consoles.

EA started off by teasing people with Battlefield 4 Plants Vs. Zombies Garden Warfare, a 3rd person team shooter game.

After what was a really bad ending they moved onto Need for Speed Rivals

Yet another game that seems to be slightly tweaked from previous years, then a very short teaser for a game most people assumed was coming. Star Wars Battlefront

After that, EA showed off a game that most people wanted to see at least 12 months ago. Dragon Age Inquisition.

EA then launched into their barrage of sports games. Where they were quite odd, in that they talked so much about the games, but showed hardly anything of the games. 

Finally after that EA showed off Battlefield 4. In full 64 player awesomeness with Commander mode.

EA then ended the show with a game that I honestly can't believe they are making, but I am so happy they are. Mirrors Edge, this game is not a sequel but a prequel game set before the first game.