Iwata Ask's - Wii U edition

Iwata Asks is a series where the president of Nintendo goes around asking various developers about games or consoles. The latest one covers off the Wii U

What is it about the Wii U hardware that you want people to pay attention to the most? Akagi-san would you start us off?

I worked on the SDK18 and absolutely love CPUs! (laughs) So I myself have been happy to see how far game consoles have come. I hope people will be impressed by the types of software enabled by the CPU.

18. SDK (software development kit): A set of development tools necessary for making applications for game consoles and other devices.

I like the way you say you love CPUs! (laughs) It turned out to be a CPU without any strange habits—one that runs just the way you expect. All right, Kitano-san?

Speaking from the standpoint of casing design, while the basic structure resembles the Wii, there are various differences that made things more convenient. For one thing, the SYNC Button19 is on the outside. We heard that a lot of customers had made inquiries about how to synchronize the Wii Remote, so I thought there was a merit to that. Also, the USB connectors, which are only on the backside of Wii, are in front as well, making it easier to connect USB peripherals from the front.

19. SYNC button: The red button labeled "SYNC" for connecting the Wii Remote with the console.

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