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More Star Wars 3D next year

Star Wars Episodes II and III 3D rereleases coming to theaters in September and October 2013
Before  Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace  came back to the theaters earlier this yearconverted for 3D, the  plan was to bring the other five movies to theaters one at a time each year, but that has apparently changed. At the Star Wars Celebration VI event in Orlando (where we  first found out about the Blu-ray release two years ago) Lucasfilm announced that Episodes II and III in 3D will be released in theaters back to back in fall of 2013, arriving September 20th and October 11th, respectively. Missing so far from the announcement? A reason for the back-to-back release or any word on Blu-ray 3D plans. In lieu of more details, although it means  Attack of the Clones will come back later in the year than  Phantom Menacedid, with any luck this accelerated schedule is a good omen for the original trilogy's return. Of course, we'll have to wait and see what magic can be worked with those older film and special effects elements, however  IGN apparently found an early preview of the Episode II 3D footage to be promising.
