People like this make the world a sad place to live in...

You know that person who told you Santa Clause does not exist, well 4 students have just done the same for the world of batman fans.
From Ninemsn
Batman could fly, but he wouldn't survive the landing because his wingspan is too short, according to researchers.
Four students from the University of Leicester have calculated that the superhero's method of using his cape to glide from tall buildings would result in him hitting the ground at life-threatening speeds.
In the film Batman Begins, the caped crusader, played by actor Christian Bale, wears a cape that becomes rigid when a current is passed through it, allowing him to glide over Gotham City in a similar manner to a base jumper in a wing suit.
But after doing the maths, the students claim Batman would be lucky to survive on reaching the ground and advised he use a parachute the next time he is out fighting crime.
David Marshall, Tom Hands, Ian Griffiths and Gareth Douglas found that the wingspan of Batman's cape - at 4.7 metres - is around half that used by a hang glider.
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Via Ninemsn