Watch_Dogs: Legion adds multiplayer today in a free update

Ubisoft initially planned to have the Watch Dogs: Legion multiplayer mode out in December, but delays thanks to the pandemic caused it to slip from then. The good news though, is that the new mode is out today for all consoles and will come soon to PC, check out the trailer for it below.
Once the update has been downloaded, players will get to experience the fun of exploring London with friends, with some new modes, including PvP.. well sort of. Here are the modes available in the update.
Free-roam open-world co-op where players can team up with their friends for up to four-players and explore London, encounter city events, complete challenges and participate in side activities.
New co-op missions for two-to-four players using new co-op gameplay mechanics and giving players the opportunity to recruit the perfect team and fight back against London’s threats across the most iconic landmarks of the city.
The first available Player-vs-Player (PvP) mode, Spiderbot Arena, where four players control armed spiderbots and compete in a high intensity free-for-all deathmatch.
That is not all though, because later this month the game will expand again when “Leader of the Pack,” the first four-player co-op Tactical Op is released. More content will continue being added after launch through free updates, including Invasion PvP mode, all-new co-op missions, free characters and more.