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Time to save the world in McPixel 3, however you can

Devolver Digital have announced that McPixel 3 is coming to PC and as yet unannounced platforms in 2022, giving players a chance to save the world, using some of the most random ways imaginable, check out the reveal trailer belo.

McPixel 3 sees the wanna-be hero get mixed up in a brand new series of crazy situations on his quest to save the world.

Gasp as McPixel averts disaster at every turn using frequently unconventional but always entertaining methods of mayhem, including - but not limited to - summoning a spider-billionaire, having a BBQ in his pants, punching a T-Rex into outer space, peeing on sports cars and kicking Fork Parker in the balls.

Showing off just how weird things might end up being, check out this official list of features:

  • 100 mind-blowing levels

  • Over 900 hilarious gags

  • Nearly 1500 interactive items

  • Over 20 minigames across all imaginable genres

  • 258,924,600 pixels

  • Works on your grandmother’s computer

  • Steve

  • A water level

If that doesn’t make you curious, I don’t know what will. Either way, there is going to a while until you can play it as the game doesn’t have any more specific of a release window, than later this year.