The next update for Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak has been detailed and dated

During the latest Monster Hunter Digital Event, Capcom revealed the next wave of content coming to Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak, in Title Update 4. While not inventive names, they still have a lot coming, starting with the return of Velkhana, the Elder Dragon last seen in Monster Hunter World: Iceborne. The update will arrive on February 7 for both Switch and PC.
First introduced in Monster Hunter World: Iceborne, this Elder Dragon is a true master of ice, capable of controlling the cold to freeze everything in its path. Hunters who have spent some time in the Hoarfrost Reach will find this hunt familiar, of course with some new twists to discover in Sunbreak. For newcomers, keep an eye on its ability to freeze water particles in the air. These pillars of ice will hit hard, so follow its tendencies closely in order to triumph.
In addition the fourth Risen Elder Dragon, the Risen Crimson Glow Valstrax has overcome the affliction and has emerged in an even more powerful form than before. Players can face Velkhana starting at MR 10 and Risen Crimson Glow Valstrax starting at MR 160.
The Qurio-curious will also have new Anomaly Research at their fingertips as well, with Afflicted Chaotic Gore Magala joining the A8★ Quests, and the Anomaly Investigation cap rising to 220. Elder Dragons will begin appearing from difficulty level 111 onward, so be prepared for a fight! Event Quests will continue to arrive every week, including two new Dual Threat quests featuring Seething Bazelgeuse and Chaotic Gore Magala, alongside an Arena Quest with Furious Rajang and Scorned Magnamalo. Every Event Quest has its own unique reward, so be sure to give them a try.
Of course, there is more content included, beyond the free stuff, but that requires money to access. One of the new items includes layered armor for rookie hunter Lance Gunn and the venerable Ran Page. These adorable doodles, drawn by the hand of the underappreciated talent Minoto, have been featured since the release of Monster Hunter Rise and help new hunters understand the ins and outs of Kamura Village.
To celebrate the release of Free Title Update 4, players can also sign up for early access to a free Palamute layered armour that makes their furry friends take on the appearance of the Elder Dragon Velkhana. Details on how to enter the giveaway can be found here.
Finally, Capcom did confirm that another update would be coming in April, teasing that it would see the return of an Elder Dragon, but that was it.