Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Splintered Fate comes to Switch this July

Revealed as coming to Switch back during the April Indie World showcase, developer Super Evil Megacorp have announced that the game will launch on July 17. The news came along with a new trailer, check it out.
So what is this game all about? Well Splintered Fate is a co-op roguelike that players taking control of their favourite turtle in the quest to track down Splinter. If you have played Hades, that is a good grounding point for what lies ahead here, just swap out Greek Gods for Mutants and Ninjas and you are on the way.
The game is already on Apple Arcade, but Switch is the first time the game is hitting a console. The Switch is also getting it as an exclusive for a limited time, but there is no word on when others will get it or what those others might be. Pre-orders can be placed now on the eShop.