Street Fighter 6 is punching well above its weight with new details released

Capcom hosted a Street Fighter 6 Showcase earlier today and delivered a lot of information, including that the World Tour is more like a full RPG experience and much more.
First up is World Tour, which is a single player mode, that will have players create their own avatar, to then explore the world. As you progress through the mode, you will come across fighters from the roster of Street Fighter 6 and will be able to learn from them. Some are based in Metro City, others will require you to earn Flight Tickets and travel to new locations to meet them. As you interreact with them more and increase your bond with each Master by giving them presents and completing Missions. Combine all this to unlock new cutscenes as you form personal connections with these legendary fighters
Player moves are going to be customisable, meaning that each action skill point you spend, will further define your character as uniquely yours. Plus with items to consume, random battles to take part in and much more, this is a mode that should keep players going for quite a while.
They also detailed more about the online mode, where you can battle it out against other players, you can find more details on that here.
While the roster will have around 18 characters at launch, there are still more to come, with the year 1 fighters revealed during the stream. These are the characters to look forward to:
Rashid, from Street Fighter V, returns in Winter 2023.
A.K.I. struts into the roster in Spring 2023.
Ed, also from Street Fighter V, strikes back in Summer 2024.
Akuma will rage into Street Fighter 6 in Autumn 2024
These characters are not just new ones to fight as, they will also get added to the World Tour mode, meaning you can find them and learn from them.
Finally a demo for the game has been made available now for both PlayStation consoles and due to the marketing deal that Capcom has with PlayStation, means those on Xbox or PC will need to wait another 5 days to sample it themselves. The full breakdown of the modes, characters and more of the demo, can be found here.