Starbase finally gets an early access release date

After a number of delays and postponements, Frozenbyte have revealed that Starbase will finally enter Early Access on Steam on June 17th. Part of the announcement comes word of Capital Ships and the roadmap for development, first up the video for the ships.
The Capital Ships are capable of warp travel and hosting hundreds, even thousands of players inside them. They can be used as exploration bases or as powerful assets in warfare and station sieges by upgrading them to Military Capital Ships. A new video takes a deeper look at the Capital Ships, their warp mechanics, and shields that double as safe zones.
"The Early Access release date for Starbase is now set in stars as June 17th, 2021! We're also really excited to introduce an amazing new feature to the game, the Capital Ships. These massive, station-sized ships enable thrilling new gameplay both for solo players and bigger groups and factions, and we cannot wait for the players to experience that! Stay tuned, save the date and see you in June!" said Frozenbyte CEO and Game Designer, Lauri Hyvärinen.
As above, there is also a roadmap for the games development, meaning there is a lot to look forward to, check it out below.