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Solve the mystery of the missing Mars crew when Fort Solis arrives this August

Dear Villagers and developer Fallen Leaf have announced that Fort Solis will arrive on August 22nd for PC, PlayStation 5 and Mac, giving players the challenge of discovering what happed to the missing crew that was sent to Mars and escaping the same fate.

Fort Solis has you assume the role of engineer Jack Leary, as he spends the longest night of his life on an isolated mining base on Mars. Explore Fort Solis station at your own pace, gathering clues from its bunkers, labs, crew quarters, and harsh, stormy surface to understand what enigmatic fate befell its inhabitants. As the night grows longer events escalate, spiral out of control, and the mystery as to what’s really going on deepens.

The game is coming to PlayStation 5, PC and Mac on August 22nd.