SNK Vs Capcom SVC Chaos lives once more, 20 years after its arcade release

At EVO 2024, SNK were on hand with a few reveals, most of which was DLC related, but one new release was for SNK Vs Capcom: SVC Chaos, an updated release of the 2003 arcade game. Check out the trailer below.
While this is big news, it was not the first time that these two fighting games crossed over, in 1999 SNK Vs. Capcom: The Match Of The Millennium released for the NeoGeo. In this game there are 36 iconic characters across various series from SNK and Capcom, where players can do battle in a frantic fight to the finish. While you are likely to think of King of Fighters and Street Fighter from the respective companies, there are a few characters from other games included.
In fact, the SNK cohort sees fighting game staples like Kyo Kusanagi, Terry Bogard, and Mai Shiranui joined by Mars People, Athena, and other SNK icons—while battle-hardened Capcom combatants such as Ryu, Chun-Li, and Demitri stand tall with Zero, Red Arremer, and more.
This is not just a port of an older game, which also hit consoles across 2003 and 2004, but rather this release also offers brand-new rollback netcode, for a smoother fighting experience. Plus the addition of new tournament modes allow for fun, fast-paced online matches.
But worry not fans of the classic look, as the game still retains the classic visuals and controls of the original fan favourite release.
Thankfully there are some newer additions to the game, such as a hitbox viewer, perfect for those who want to perfect their moves, but the game also includes a gallery mode, where you can see countless pieces of artwork from the game.
The game itself is out already for PC and will hit Switch and PlayStation 4 later today.