Sniper Elite Resistance is keeping the fight going with a new update

Rebellion have announced that Sniper Elite: Resistance is keeping the fight going with a new update. One part of the update is free for all players and the other is paid content, which expands the offerings. Check out the trailer to get an idea of what is on offer.
First up, let’s talk about the free content. The Fairburne’s Armoury Weapons and Skins Pack, includes as you might have guessed, new weapons and skins, but also two new maps.
The Fairburne’s Armoury Weapons and Skins Pack contains:
M1A1 Gov. Submachine Gun
M.1903 Rifle
Field Jacket Character Skin
Lieutenant Karl Fairburne Character Skin
For those looking for the new multiplayer maps, they are the St. Raymonds adversarial map which is exclusive to the game, and the Sniper Elite 5 fan favourite Flooded Village No Cross map.
The paid content is the Vercors Vendetta Mission and Weapons Pack, which can be bought on its own, but is also included in the season pass. This includes new weapons and a brand new mission, Vercors Vendetta. Here is the basic outline of the new mission:
Despite destroying the primary Nazi stockpile of the deadly nerve agent Kleine Blume, one final cache survived! This stash has now been loaded into artillery shells ready for an imminent launch against multiple targets throughout France. With millions of civilian lives at stake, Harry Hawker launches a daring attempt to neutralise the remaining Wunderwaffe before they can be deployed.
The free content and paid are both out now for all platforms that the game is on. The game has been out for 2 months or so and while there is a lot in common with Sniper Elite 5, we found it to be a fun game regardless.