Outriders highlight the demo coming to players later today

Square Enix and People Can Fly hosted the 5th Outriders Broadcast earlier this morning and included in that, was the news that the game would get a demo and that is set to release later tonight.
If you are unsure why you should give the demo, with around 3 hours of gameplay available in it, a go, check out the video below, as the Outriders team have put together the top 10 reasons why you should. Before you start though, you should be aware that as you can carry your progress from the demo to the full game, meaning you won’t have to replay the opening, but this will only work if you get the full game on the same platform.
As for the complete broadcast, you can check it out below, it talks about the demo, but more importantly, it highlights all the features and content coming for PC players, to ensure that they are getting the premium experience for those that premium hardware.
Here are a few screens for your viewing pleasure. The demo drops later tonight, or early in the morning, sadly international timezones can be quite tricky.
Finally the game is set to release on April 1 for PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S and PlayStation 5.