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Monster Hunter World is crossing over with Resident Evil

Capcom has announced that starting later tonight, Monster Hunter World is going to be a little more dangerous and as such some specialist are joining the ranks, as survival horror icons Leon, Claire and Tyrant pay a visit.

As part of this special collaboration, hunters can acquire materials upon completing the event quest (MR20 or above) to craft Leon α+ and Claire α+ layered armor sets plus three Raccoon City themed pendants to spruce up their favorite weapons. Additional rewards for completing the event quest include two new gestures, allowing hunters to shuffle like zombies or even zombie bite a nearby monster to deal damage. Raccoon City also takes over Your Room, with a variety of themed decorations available for hunters to deck out their pads in survival horror style, including the iconic typewriter and item box (which of course includes the ability to save game progress and store your items respectively). Thanks to last month’s title update, players can also show off their macabre abodes as friends can visit each other’s rooms.

The Raccoon City collaboration would not be complete without the iconic Tyrant. “The Handler’s Terrifying Tyrant” paid DLC costume transforms the normally spunky young woman into a trenchcoat-wearing, quest journal-wielding brute to join hunters on quests, prepare meals at camp, and even appear in cut-scenes.