Hi-Fi Rush is shredding its way onto PlayStation 5 this March

Like many expected, Bethesda have revealed that Tango Gameworks’ Hi-Fi Rush is going to rock on to PlayStation 5 next month, March 19 to be exact and will come with all the updates to the game. We even got a custom trailer for the news, check it out.
In the game everything syncs to the beat, including combat sequences that perfectly align to the rhythm of the music, allowing for gameplay that is not only exhilarating but also extremely satisfying. A player’s moves aren’t dictated by the music like in a traditional rhythm game — players have the freedom of a full action game. However, inputting actions with the beat amplifies the player’s attacks along with the music.
For those who want the ultimate rockstar experience, a Digital Deluxe edition will be available and offer up the following:
HI-FI RUSH (Base Game)
Two Chai Outfits
Seven bonus Chai T-shirts
808-Themed Guitar Skin
808 Alternate Skin
Gears Starter Pack with 20,000 Gears for unlocking combat skills and other upgrades.
The outfits can be changed at the base, which you have access to after the first level and the Gears can be found throughout the world, this just gives you a leg up. We also have a rockin infographic for the edition.
Finally, if you are someone who likes your games on disc, then good news as Bethesda are teaming up with Limited Run Games, ok so not the best news, to bring the game to Xbox Series X and PlayStation 5 via disc. More details for that will be announced in the future.