Halo Infinite is ramping up for action, as Season 2 Lone Wolf gets ever closer to release

Last week 343 Industries announced that when Halo Infinite Lone Wolves: Season 2 arrives, players will get access to three new game modes, King of the Hill, Land Grab and Last Spartan Standing and new maps Catalyst and Breaker to play on, let’s take a look at the maps.
In the video above, you can get a look at both maps, but they are slow pans around, rather than explanatory in nature, so for that read on.
For the descriptions, Tyler Ensrude the Multiplayer Level Designer on Halo Infinite took to Halo Waypoint to explain each, first Catalyst:
Catalyst is a symmetrical arena map nested high up inside of an expansive, tunnel-like Forerunner structure. You’ll find waterfalls pouring down around suspended catwalks, overgrown cathedral walls, and a light bridge connecting the sides of the map together.
As for Breaker:
Breaker is a pseudo symmetric BTB map set in a Banished scrapyard where each team’s base is a huge chunk of ship debris, divided by the plasma cutting beam structure in the middle. And yes, that beam is absolutely a dynamic element of the map that presents both opportunities and challenges in gameplay.
If you want to learn more about the maps, you can do so via the interview here.
Another big part of Season 2 Lone Wolf is that of the new game modes, check out the video below to see them in action.
You can learn more about each of the modes on Halo Waypoint, with Zach Boyce, the Multiplayer Modes & Systems Designer providing an insight to the modes.
As for the rest of the new Season, that can be summed up via the blow infographic.
Halo Infinite’s second season will begin on May 3rd, so a week and change to go. A few extra insights into the development can be found here as well.