Goldeneye 007 is coming to Xbox and this time its an official release

Goldeneye 007 is coming to Xbox and this time its an official release

With Nintendo announcing that Goldeneye and many other Nintendo 64 classics, Xbox confirmed that Goldeneye would also be coming to Xbox, just with some improvements and not all of them.

In terms of what has changed, well there are now more modern controls, including dual analogue stick support, a new and proper 16:9 resolution that supports up to 4K, if you have a display for it. They have also locked in the refresh rate, so it will run smoother and for achievement hunters, the game now offers those as well.

The downside for Xbox players is that there is no online multiplayer for this release, where as Nintendo Switch owners can do that online.

As far as access goes, the game is being added to GamePass and in a surprising move, if you don’t have a membership the game is being added to Rare Replay, which is a bit of an out there update.