Forza Horizon 5 races onto PlayStation 5 this April, along with Realms for all

Forza Horizon 5 races onto PlayStation 5 this April, along with Realms for all

Xbox Game Studios, PlayGround Games and Panic Button have announced that Forza Horizon 5 will race onto PlayStation 5 on April 29, with the new Horizon Realms mode coming on April 25. Check out the trailer for Realms below.

As you might expect, the game will allow players to pay more to get earlier access to it, which strangely enough arrives on April 25. You can pre-order the game on PlayStation 5 now on the PlayStation Store.

Forza Horizon 5 on PS5 features two rendering modes to choose from: Performance (60fps) and Quality (30fps). On PS5 Pro, the Performance mode receives increased visual fidelity, while Quality mode adds ray traced car reflections to Races and Free Roam.

Ok, so that is the PlayStation 5 launch covered, but what about Realms I hear you ask. Well, that launches on April 25 and will bring to players 12 evolving worlds to discover, with 11 of them being previously limited-time locations and the last being the premiering Stadium Track. This is the list of tracks:

  • Stunt Park 

  • Ice Rink 

  • Oval Track 

  • Summer Party 

  • Neon Airstrip

  • Día de Muertos 

  • Winter Wonderland 

  • Lunar Drift Arena 

  • Retrowave Highway 

  • Cars and Coffee 

  • Stadium Maze

There will be two different ways to experience Horizon Realms: 

Skill Mode

Choose one of the Horizon Realms to enter and try to bank as much Skill Score as possible. Each Evolving World has its own separate Skill Score leaderboard, and there will also be a total Skill Score Leaderboard tallying up all points banked on each Realm – so try to take the top spot in all of them! 

Earning enough Skill Score will also unlock new player Badges unique to Horizon Realms! 

Free Mode

This mode puts the leaderboards to the side and focuses on players having a good time in their favourite Realms. 

Enter on your own or with your friends in a Convoy to explore your favourite Realms, obtain Badges tied to previous content updates, unlock accolades to earn #Forzathon Points, and more! 

Realms will be available to all owners of Forza Horizon 5, which could be a reason for Xbox and PC owners to jump back into the drivers seat.

Realms arrives on April 25 for Xbox Series X|S, PC and PlayStation 5 early access buyers. The standard PlayStation 5 release will be on April 29.