Dreams of Another sleepwalks to a PC release as well

Q-Games announced Dreams of Another was announced in the recent State of Play for PlayStation 5 and PlayStation VR2, but now it has been announced as also coming to PC. An updated trailer has been released, which just adds PC to the final card, check it out.
Dreams of Another is the latest title by multimedia artist Baiyon, the director of PixelJunk Eden. The game is built around the philosophical theme of "No Creation Without Destruction."
Rather than destroying objects by shooting, as in traditional shooting games, here, your shots materialize and create the world. This unconventional mechanic offers a gameplay experience that challenges the norms of the genre and invites players into a whole new dimension.
The game is coming later this year, but there is no set date for its release. The game will come to PC, PlayStation 5 and PlayStation VR2.