Discover the new home screen for the PlayStation 5

We are now under a month until the next generation of consoles are released and it seems that Sony have finally decided to talk about their PlayStation 5 console. Last week, we got a look at the hardware, as it was broken down into the various parts and confirmation on backwards compatibility.
This time though, there is no looking back as it is all about the new and exciting and we are of course referring to the System UI. Via the PlayStation Blog, they released an in-depth look at the UI or User Interface and how some of the new features will work.
The big new addition is what is being called Control Center, which will provide players coming back from a power saved state, quick and simple access to get back into their game. This is also where you will discover Activities, another new addition to the system, which let you focus on specific parts of a game, should the developers create them.
Activities are displayed via on-screen cards in the Control Center, which enables you to discover new gameplay opportunities, go back to things you missed, jump directly into levels or challenges you want to play, and much more. Some Activity cards can be put in picture-in-picture mode, so you can view them without having to leave the game.
Sadly, they ended the video without going into the Store, but they did confirm that it was now baked into the system, rather than being a dedicated app, so it should work like the Xbox store does on their console. The other thing they talked about was Explore, which seems to be a little bit of an expanded News section, shared highlights and more, the only catch, they seem to be unsure how it will work and are keeping it locked to the USA for now.
Enough talking, watch the video.