A deep dive for Digimon Story Time Stranger delivers a lot of info

A deep dive for Digimon Story Time Stranger delivers a lot of info

Over the weekend Digimon Con took place and Bandai Namco hosted an event dedicated to their newly announced Digimon Story Time Stranger. You can check out the full presentation below.

Some of the details that were given were around some of the human characters and around the Digimon themselves. Starting out with the human characters, on the left int he green and white are Dan Yuki and Kanan Yuki. Players will choose one of the two as their playable character and the other will remaining at the ADAMAS organisation base as support.

The one on the right with the yellow is Inori Misono, a girl described as kind hearted, as she was shaped by some mysterious event of her past. That past will also be the reason she joins you on your adventure.

They also revealed new Digimon and one of them is very human like in their appearance. Aegiomon, the Digimon that holds the key to this title's story. He encounters the protagonists in the human world, and work together with Inori Misono, who we just introduced, as her partner Digimon.

In battles, the player will control a party of three digimon, and Aegiomon will join them as an extra battle member, making them one of the most reliable companions both in the story and in battles. You can see him on the left below. The other three Digimon below are the starters with Patamon on the right of Aegiomon, who can use their wing like ears to fly, but their flying speed is so slow, they get around better by walking. The puppy looking one to the right with the red mohawk is Gomamon, a sea beast Digimon that cut through solid ice, thanks to its sharp claws. The final starter is DemiDevimon, which lives up to the devi of its name, as it’s always causing trouble.

It was also confirmed that the game would have over 450 Digimon on offer for players to see.

We also got the first details on the games locations, with the Digital Town Iliad being the first. Also known as Central Town, its packed with all sorts of Digimon, but also shops offering a helpful array of items.

The Human world is set in Tokyo, or more specifically Shibuya. The developers have confirmed that unlike the last game, which used a few regions of Tokyo, this one will be more focused. Don’t worry about the world feeling smaller because that new focus, because the developers have opted to recreate Shibuya in greater detail, which should in turn offer a richer place for players to explore.

There will be more details for the game released, with the release date hopefully being one of them. Right now the game is just known to becoming to PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S and PC, with no date set beyond 2025.