Borderlands 3 is getting ready to celebrate 2 years, with intergalactic events

Borderlands 3 will turn 2 on September 13, which is only a few weeks away and in order to celebrate the event, a month long celebration is kicking off today for the game, where players can earn some epic loot.
Called the Loot The Universe event, each week will provide a new series of challenges, on a different planet, that in turn provide new loot, it is a simple concept, but just right for Borderlands. Each week during Loot the Universe, a different Borderlands 3 planet will become a bastion of better drops, with specific types of Legendary loot having increased chances of dropping in one of that planet's zones. You'll get to keep all the bonus Legendary loot you find during these mini-events, and it'll be up to the community to discover what kind of Legendary loot drops where, so mark your calendars:
Week 1 - Pandora -2:00 AM AEST August 13 to 1:59 AM AEST August 20
Week 2 - Promethea - 2:00 AM AEST August 20 to 1:59 AM AEST August 27
Week 3 - Eden-6 - 2:00 AM AEST August 27 to 1:59 AM AEST September 3
Week 4 - Nekrotafeyo - 2:00 AM AEST September 3 to 1:59 AM AEST September 10
If you think that is all that was planned, think again, as there are two more mini-events set to commence and run in tandem (and conclude one week later). The first is Mayhem Made Mild, where you'll only encounter Easy modifiers in Mayhem Mode; and the second is Show Me the Eridium, which grants increased Eridium drops and Eridium item discounts.
Finally, there are even more plans for content and events, once all those events are done, but the team are not saying what they are.
Of course, the game is out now for Xbox One, PlayStation 4, PC and now Xbox Series X|S and PlayStation 5 have fully optimised versions for their platforms and cross-play is an option now, so you can play with friends no matter what they play on.