Another gameplay for Total War Warhammer III is here and its a long one

Sega and Creative Assembly have released a lengthy gameplay video for Total War Warhammer III, which you can check out below. This follows on the new one they released just the other day, which you can check out here.
The Great Bastion is a symbol of everlasting defiance that has protected Grand Cathay from the wrath of the Chaos Gods for millennia. It is a titanic, nigh-impenetrable wall imbued with ancient magic that runs the length of the Celestial Dragon Empire’s northern border with the hostile Chaos Wastes. Made up of three gatehouses, this unique settlement has access to its own building chains, commandments, and can be further bolstered by the great Wu Xing Compass which channels the Winds of Magic to its aid, allowing for greater campaign and battle bonuses.
When defending this great settlement, players can also make use of new features which allow for greater strategic interplay. This includes the ability to construct missile towers and barricades throughout the inner settlement, meaning players can devise devastating kill-corridors should the enemy breach the outer wall.
The game is in development for PC, but there is no release date for it yet