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Super Dragon Ball Heroes World Mission comes to PC and Switch this April

Bandai Namco announced last week that Super Dragon Ball Heroes World Mission was leaving Japan and now the local group have confirmed it is coming to Australia.

The game takes place in Hero Town, an alternate reality where a Dragon Ball card game is the most popular form of entertainment. Players take on the role of Beat, the protagonist of Super Dragon Ball Heroes World Mission, and follow his journey to become the world champion of Super Dragon Ball Heroes. However, when the antagonists from the virtual game world appear in Hero Town and start wreaking havoc, Beat jumps into the game world and teams up with famous Dragon Ball characters to restore peace in the real world.

Wonder why Bandai Namco have decided to release the game out of Japan, well developer Masayuki Hirano shared the following explanation.

“Since the 3DS days, we published 3 titles on the 3DS and we always wanted to release the title outside of Japan as well. With the advent of the Switch hardware, and Heroes reaching a new stage from Dragon Ball Heroes to ‘Super’ Dragon Ball the timing matched perfectly here with the right environment. I received questions about Heroes. We’ve been listening to the voices of fans, and even during Xenoverse interviews, so I’m happy to say that we can finally release this brand. We would like to release this game on the Switch and also on PC so that as many people as possible can play it around the world. And this one will surpass that.”

The game is coming to PC and Switch on April 5th, so not too long to go now.