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No Man's Sky comes to Xbox One and all platforms get new update

Hello Games has announced that, in partnership with 505 Games, No Man's Sky is coming to Xbox One in late 2018, joining the PlayStation 4 and PC releases from 2016. Below is the trailer for the most recent update to the game, check it out.

When the Xbox One version is released, it will come packed with all the previous content, including the Atlas Rises update, from the trailer above, but it will also come packed with the new update called, No Man's Sky NEXT. PlayStation 4 and PC players will also get the update as well.

“We are calling this No Man’s Sky NEXT because it is an important next step in a journey for No Man’s Sky, for Hello Games and for our devoted community,” said Sean Murray, founder at Hello Games. “Each update for No Man’s Sky has been more successful than the last; this was especially true of our last update Atlas Rises. It emboldens the team to push ourselves further. This journey is far from over, and it’s exciting to be working again on something you know will surprise people.”

More plans are in the works for the NEXT update, but nothing shared right now, still the game has been growing by leaps and bounds, so I can't wait to see what they bring to it going forward.