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The Gardens Between is coming to PlayStation 4

Local studio, The Voxel Agents have announced that their next title, The Gardens Between is coming to PlayStation 4 in 2018, in addition to PC and Mac releases already announced.

The game follows Arina and Frendt, two inseparable friends who shape one another markedly as they grow up. They fall into a mysterious world of beautiful garden islands, where cause and effect are malleable. As you follow them on their journey, a story about friendship, childhood and growing up unfolds.

What the game delivers is your chance to help control their actions, by controlling time. Matt Clark from The Voxel Agents announced the PlayStation 4 version on the PlayStation Blog and had this to say.

The game follows two best friends, Arina and Frendt, who find themselves in this strange and surreal world of garden islands. As a player, you follow the pair and manipulate time to solve puzzles and uncover the gardens’ secrets. As you control time, moving it backwards and forwards, the characters can manipulate the world around them, changing the flow of cause and effect.
One of our driving principles during development was to build a game that anyone can play. We wanted The Gardens Between to have simple controls, to encourage stress-free exploration, and to tell a genuine story without text or dialogue. We strongly believe that games are for everyone, and The Gardens Between fits that perfectly.
At its core, the game is about exploring, but unlike most games, where you explore space, in The Gardens Between you explore time. In some ways this is simpler. On a timeline you can only move forwards and backwards, but time travel is full of its own complexities, and that’s where the puzzle elements come in.
The game is aiming for a Q3 release in 2018, so there is still a while to go, but the game is looking very interesting, even at this early stage.