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Answer The Call Of The Beastmen In Total War Warhammer

Total War Warhammer players can rejoice as Sega and Creative Assembly have announced that the Call of the Beastmen campaign is now out and free for all.

Masters of guerilla warfare, the Beastmen strike hard and fast, ambushing unsuspecting armies and blasting them with chaotic magic from The Lore of The Wild before vanishing into the gloom of the forest.

A Beastmen Grand Campaign may be led by one of two Legendary Lords from Warhammer Fantasy Battles – Khazrak The One Eye or Malagor The Dark Omen, each with their own skill trees, abilities, quest-chains, legendary items and new Grand Campaign start positions. In battle, they field hordes of twisted half-human aberrations such as Centigors, Minotaurs and the colossal Cygor, offering a uniquely swift and stunningly impactful play-style.

As part of Total War: Warhammer's ongoing free content program, Call of The Beastmen also introduces the Amber Wizard hero for all players, regardless of purchase. Wielding the Lore of Beasts, the Amber Wizard can summon wild Manticores into the thick of battle.