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The Shadow Knight Returns in Odin Sphere Leifthrasir

When Odin Sphere Leifthrasir releases in June on the PlayStation family of platforms, players will get to play as the fourth hero that is being reintroduced, Oswald.

If you couldn't already tell by his appearance, Oswald isn't quite like the rest of the characters in the game. He's a born warrior prone to extreme violence and cruelness, but what else could you expect from one of the most powerful soldiers in the Ringford army?

At first, Oswald serves Melvin, the eventual usurper of the Ringford throne, but a series of events leads him to serve Queen Odette, the ruler of the Netherworld, in exchange for a cure to a mysterious weakness. However, will Demon Lord Odin convince Oswald to fight for him in exchange for a castle, spear, and... Gwendolyn?

As an elite Shadow Knight, Oswald is one of the best combatants to have walked the lands of Erion. He wields the cursed red Psypher sword Belderiver with great expertise, and becomes even more powerful once he activates berserker mode. As a professional warrior, he has many skills, including making minced meat out of enemies with Vile Rush, and can summon a giant black flame that draws in enemies with Rising Void. However, nothing strikes more fear than his Dáinsleif ultimate, which causes him to unleash a dark frenzy upon his foes.

Look for the game, either in store or digital on June 24th