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Dirty Bomb Has Entered Open Beta On Steam

It is time to team up and earn as much money as you can and die trying, Dirty Bomb has hit open beta on Steam

“Today marks a huge achievement in our studio’s history. Dirty Bomb is our first fully owned IP on PC,and that has allowed us to make exactly the game we wanted,” said Paul Wedgwood, CEO and founder, Splash Damage. “As a studio, we are dedicated to creating the most entertaining, competitive and collaborative experiences. Dirty Bomb is a showcase of this and of our partnership and collaboration with Nexon. With more than two years of testing by thousands of our fans through closed Alpha and Beta, Dirty Bomb is a game of firsts for us and the industry.”

The Open Beta launches with five maps and two modes for players to put to the test. New content will continuously be added to Dirty Bomb in the coming months, whether in finished form, or prototype content for the community to try out and provide feedback on.