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New Nintendo 3DS is in stores Now

Nintendo Australia have launched the New Nintendo 3DS and New Nintendo 3DS XL in Australia and New Zealand today. While a review from my hands on with them is still coming, what time I have spent with it is pretty amazing so far.

For those who wish to purchase the New Nintendo 3DS, its recommended price is $219.95, while the XL variant comes in at $249.95, neither unit comes with a charging cable, to which you can buy the official one for $14.95 or look on eBay for another option.

Of course if you get the smaller of the two units, you can customise your machine with faceplates, which start around $20 and go up from there. Of course the machines are new, but what does it mean, well new guts means it is more powerful than the original models, new controls mean you no longer have to attach a bulky adaptor and the best bit is that the 3D is improved so much that you wont want to turn it off.

The best bit about its release here today, is that we get this before America and Europe, something that does not often happen.