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Maxi-Geek Turns 1 - What a year it has been.

So Maxi-Geek has turned 1. That’s right, 1 year since I started this site, and it has grown quite a bit since then.

I have learnt a lot over the course of the past 12 months and most of it has come from my mates who have always been kind enough to share their thoughts on how the site could be improved.

A big thank you must go out to the press guys and gals from all the various gaming, tech and movie companies who have been kind enough to put up with my questions for a whole year.

And of course a big thank you must go out to you, the reader. Knowing that I have people out there who are reading my site and who are just as passionate about games, movies, gadgets and more makes this worth doing.

So check back throughout the week as there will be some giveaways in order to help spread the fun of a birthday party.