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Resident Evil 6 Demo

From IGN
Capcom has been revealing Resident Evil 6 slowly for the past several months, giving the press a hands-off glimpse of the game back in April, and allowing the game to be played at E3 2012. Now it's your turn to play - if you own an Xbox 360 and a copy of Dragon's Dogma.
We know there are many of you who don't meet both of those conditions, or maybe you're stuck at work or school and won't be able to play for a while. You're in luck! We've captured the demo, which has three distinct sections - one for each character - in its entirety. As a bonus, we've done some commentary tracks as well, if you'd like to listen to us chat about our experience with the game.
Everything you need will be below - pure footage first, and then the footage with commentary second. We've also divided the demo by character, allowing you to watch in smaller slices.
Don't forget, you must have Dragon's Dogma to authenticate your demo. That means it must be in your Xbox 360. Just a warning.

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