Terra Nil Vita Nova breaths new life into the planet saving game

Terra Nil Vita Nova breaths new life into the planet saving game

Devolver Digital and developer Free Lives, along with their development partners have released a new major update for Terra Nil that really shakes things up, with new biomes, levels, buildings and more.

These are the highlights for what the update brings:

  • New world map

  • 5 new levels - Hill & Dale, Polluted Bay, Scorched Caldera, Subpolar River & Continental Outskirts

  • 2 new biomes - Freshwater Lake & Rocky Scrubland

  • 9 new buildings - Cone Filter, Pipe Hub, Carbon Compactor, Percolotrium, Mini Bamboo Nursery, Chaparrallum, Transpirator, Sonic Pulse & Wildlife Bridge

  • Revamped animal system - Animals populations will migrate to the map when suitable habitats are available. To complete a mission, a certain number of animal populations will need to have ideal territories for their needs

  • 1 new animal species

  • 3 new climate conditions

I have been playing this new update for a few weeks and I can honestly say that it makes the game feel all-new, like the original release was Early Access and this is the real 1.0 launch. The new biomes are fun and challenging, working out what the new buildings do within them even more so.

I spent a while stumped on one of the new levels, Hill & Dale, as I could not work out how to get water around and the new Pipe Hub seemed perfect, but it needed to be near water to work. Turns out, after randomly stumbling upon the answer, you can connect hubs to the pipes from other hubs, which lets you really get into some far out there locations.

The animal system is perhaps the biggest change, as in order to 100% a stage, you need all the animal to be happy and now they have levels on that happiness. Deer for example want open plains and water, but if there is not enough space on those plains, they might leave. The new Wildlife Bridge lets you connect land masses together or even use it as a means to go up and down elevations, which can expand your animals space.

If I had to call out one aspect that I didn’t like about the update, my 100% completion from the original release is now gone, as the new animal system and locations lowered it down, but it is ok, I am getting it back.

The update is out now for PC and Netflix Games, with the Switch version coming down the line.